Head Teacher

Rachel Tomlinson

Deputy Head Teacher

Laura Rostron

Country of the Week

Country of the Week at Barrowford School

As part of our cultural capital curriculum at Barrowford School, we explore a “Country of the Week” to broaden our pupils’ understanding of the world. This carefully planned focus often connects with other aspects of our cultural capital calendar, providing a rich and cohesive learning experience that highlights global diversity.

Each week, we shine a spotlight on a different country, delving into its unique characteristics and cultural heritage. Our exploration includes:

  • A detailed Country of the Week Fact file
  • The country’s name in both English and its home language
  • The national flag
  • Capital city
  • Population and size in area
  • Currency
  • Major religions
  • National dish
  • Type of government and head of state
  • National animal
  • National anthem, which we listen to as part of our learning
  • The language spoken and useful phrases

Through this approach, we encourage curiosity, respect, and a deeper appreciation for the diversity of our world, helping our pupils to see themselves as global citizens. By learning about the geography, culture, and traditions of each country, our children gain valuable insights into the richness of human life and the importance of connection across borders.

Countries we will learn about this year are:

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