Our Agape Teachers
In Agape, your teachers are Zoe Makin, Jonny Tomlinson, Jacob Fletcher, Lorenza Falcini, Lauren Lewis, Keely Ashworth
They are excited about the learning you are doing in this year group.
Learning Time
There will always be a visual timetable in the classroom.
This is what a day will usually look like:
- Breakfast/ register/ check in
- Phonics
- Brain break
- Maths/ English
- Play time
- Sensory time/ class novel
- Lunch
- SEMH based learning
- Play time
- Interventions
- Story time
- Home time
- Our PE session is Friday.
- Our Woodland session is Friday.
- We will also have a fishing rota for children to attend our Fishing Friday sessions at Cornfield Grove.
- The swimming pool is coming in October 2024.
We will be baking every Friday, please let your teacher know if you have any allergies or if there’s anything you would like to bake.
- Monday: R&G, SDGs & UNCRC
- Tuesday: Picture Book
- Wednesday: Picture News
- Thursday: Lyfta
- Friday: Celebration Assembly
- Every week you will learn about a different country, artist, music genre and a poem.
- Singing Assembly will be on Wednesday afternoon.
You will play Playworks games with your friends. These will teach you how to take turns, follow rules, lose and win well and be part of a team.
- You will order your lunch in the morning or bring a packed lunch from home.
- At lunchtime, you will wash your hands and then eat your lunch in the classroom.
- There will be some time to play out, playing Playworks games.
If you need the toilet, ask the teacher at a convenient time and we will happily show you where they are.
Trips, Visits & Celebrations
- There will be a school trips linked to our projects.
- People may visit our class to help with our projects or to support our learning.
- We will celebrate Christmas, Eid, Fathers’ Day, Mothers’ Day, World Book Day, Harvest, Easter, birthdays and lots of other events during the school year.
End of the day
- There will always be a story at the end of every day.
- At home time, your teachers will take you onto the playground to meet your parents/ take you to your taxi. Please make sure your teacher knows who you are leaving with at the end of the day.
Download Our Agape Welcome Pack