Head Teacher
Rachel Tomlinson
My name is Margaret Astin.
I work in the Business Support Team.
I have worked at Barrowford School for almost eighteen years now and can honestly say I really do love my job. No two days are alike…every day brings something new and exciting. We have a brilliant staff team, including both Senior & Middle Leaders, and not forgetting to mention, the Governing Body who are always there for guidance and support.
I work in the main office, usually on Reception three days a week. I am responsible for answering the telephone and meeting and greeting visitors. I also keep registers and attendance records up to date. I am responsible for ensuring Parentmail is updated with parent/carer and pupil information; payments for trips, uniform orders; upcoming events. I have daily contact with parents when PE/football kits etc. are missing or children are required to go home through illness. A large portion of my daily work also includes the process for new admissions/leavers, contacting parents/carers, previous schools/nurseries and multi-disciplinary agencies.
The continued passion and dedication of the Barrowford Leadership Team and staff is truly awe inspiring. I feel blessed to belong to this safe, happy learning environment, sharing in the successes whilst providing the best service we can and look forward to what the future will bring.
I have been described as altruistic, generous and loving by my family and friends.