Head Teacher

Rachel Tomlinson

Deputy Head Teacher

Laura Rostron

Katie Fletcher

Senior Leadership Team
Assistant Headteacher | SENCO | Observer

My name is Katie Fletcher.

My role in school is SENDCO.

I love working at Barrowford because of Agape, Sonder and Cwtch.  Barrowford’s core values and ethos embody everything that I parent with and have in my teaching pedagogy. Agape because it is a safe place for me; to be who I am comfortable being. I know that this place is what we create for our pupils and families too. I love learning alongside some brilliant colleagues and implementing this to ‘cwtch up’ and support and help the young people and their families in our community. And Sonder, because all the individuals that make up our community allow me to grow uniquely and individually and in just the right amount, just like everyone deserves to.

Three words my family and friends would use to describe me are focused, committed and proactive.